My Favorite place ..School!

Shivani Warrier
2 min readJun 7, 2020


Cedar Hills Elementary School

All the world is my school and all Humanity is my Teacher…

Hello everyone! Welcome back! Today my topic is about my school. [Cedar hills]. My school is very fun. Our principal [Mr. Ruffalo] is very nice. And all the teachers in my school are very fun, funny, and nice.They always make fun ( F- is for friends who do stuff together! U- is for you and me! N- is for anywhere and anytime at all down here in the deep blue sea!) stuff for us…So if you want to go to our school please go! It is really fun!

Before the world turned upside down on this virus , we were in a world where anything and everything which enjoyed was not to count on since it was a full pleasure… Now do I REALIZE how my mom used to say “Count your blessings” :)

Pictures are like treasures right… one of them!!

“Change is the End result of all learning”

I am going to tell you all abut my work now and more!

Since this COVID-19 is here, we are having a virtual school learning. I used to do my work in the morning as my teacher checks in with the daily activities to do (kind of fun)… All that ended now I don´t need to because last Friday [June 5th 2020]was the last day of school.

Every end has a ray of hope right… Thats going to happen for next two days :)

I am going to tell you whats going to happen on Monday and Tuesday.

On Monday, there is going to be a video of the 5th graders graduating to 6th grade and away from our school!

On Tuesday, it is just going to be a bye-bye day where everyone's going to say BYE :( to each other! Thats sad… Still waiting for everyone to be met with for the coming year …

YAYYYYY I will be in 3rd grade… I am sure i can wait for it…

Summer is almost here … Its getting hot day by day… Months are passing by!!!

That is all I have to say for this blog! Bye!

Dedicated to all my friends…

See you on our next blog!




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